Monday, August 13, 2012

Fall Planning

Apologies for the downer post the other day. To take my mind off of the hunt, I’ve been thinking about all of the prepping that needs to be done for the Fall. Here is what is on my to-do list:

  • Sorting through everyone’s clothes and donating things we don’t wear or have outgrown
  • “Back to School” shopping – B is off to kindergarten in less than a month and though I’m not exactly sure what he’ll need in terms of supplies (hoping the teacher will let us know). I do know he needs a few things like two pairs of running shoes, lunch containers since he’ll be going two full days/week and then 3 full days the next week, a first day outfit, and a few other items of clothing. He’ll also need to have everything labeled – which reminds me that I need to purchase some labels. I’m thinking I will use the last name only so that both boys can use them. The school also recommended that we label all of the food in the order in which they are supposed to be eaten (1,2,3). I thought this was genius!
  • Painting the garage and front door. In all honesty, this item might have to wait until the Spring. We’ve done a lot this summer in the yard and in the house but this is for another post. 
  • Halloween costume planning. We like to pull together creative costumes on the cheap. With N being big enough to walk around - I'll have to make him a costume this year too. I really like Sara's idea of going with the baby's favourite things. 
  • Christmas shopping! Yes.. I know I’m talking about Christmas in August but it tends to creep up and I was so happy last year that we were able to buy all our gifts bit by bit and not have to charge anything. In years prior we always had cash at Christmas time for gifts. Last year we spent close to $1500 on Christmas. This year I’m hoping we’ll spend no more than $1000 which will take some creativity. This includes everything from gifts, to decorations, Santa photos, and a Christmas Tree. We're trying to stay true to our goal of creating holiday traditions where gifts are only a small portion of the holiday. 
What are you doing to prep for Fall? 

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