Monday, January 25, 2010

Are you part of the problem or part of the solution???

The problem with making strong political statements and not practicing what you preach...

Tonight on my way home from my very first sewing class (YAY!) I saw a vehicle with two bumper stickers.. on the left it said "Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?" - this really got me thinking! - and on the right, "LIVE SIMPLY so others may simply live" I'm a big fan of both but found it extremely ironic that the person who made these statements was driving around in an older Chevy Venture van so although they were living simply I guess.. kinda.. by driving a used older car, they were also largely contributing to the problem cough cough gas guzzler/rediculously higher emissions.. unless of course this person was a vegan in which case they might as well be driving a Hummer to equal the amount of emissions of the average meat eater who drives a hybrid car.

In other words....

1 comment:

The Little Mama said...

Touche! I drove behind a car once that had a bumper sticker that had the Ghandi quote, "Be the change you want to see in the world". The guy had his window rolled down, and was smoking! I had to laugh... but, seriously?! Think before you bumper sticker your car, people!