Wow summer is going by at lightening speed. Maybe it is because I have been busy working, visiting with family and friends and spending quality time with my fabulous house of boys, but we've sure been having fun.
awhile back I had said that I had given up my daily highlights journal. Turns out I didn't. There was just a month or so there where I was incredibly out of routine with no regular classes or job. I usually fill out my daily highlights journal when I am commuting to school or work (by public transit). It is the perfect time to think and reflect.
So July... here were the things that made me happiest:
Nurturing friendships - Visited with three of my very best girlfriends from all stages of life. The first - a lifelong friend - our parents met in prenatal class and every time we get together it is like we've never been apart. The second, a friend from my teenage/mommy years, I've shared some of the best and toughest times of my life with this lady. The third, a friend I met in my first year of university and my roommate thereafter until B was born. We also entertained our wonderful couple friends who recently got back together after a split. It was so nice to see them back together.
Spending time with family - DH's family got together the other weekend to see his niece off (she left for Australia for a 5 month university exchange) it was nice to see the whole family and both boys had a blast in my SIL's pool all afternoon. My brother who we don't get to see too often also happened to be passing through and stopped in for an impromptu visit with us and the boys one night. I also went to a bridal shower for a very close family friend's bride-to-be.
Spending time as a family - We had a really great time doing family outings this month. We all went to watch one of B's t-ball games and had a blast. B and I also went to a concert in Toronto together just the two of us. Finally, we took a leap and decided to go on a 24-hour camping trip, with 4 hours of driving on either end, to Sauble Beach. We are so blessed to live so close (10 minutes) to Lake Ontario and (4 hours) Lake Huron - not to mention (1.5 hours) to Muskoka where we're even luckier to have family since DH grew up there.
Being challenged professionally - though I have been looking hard for a longer-term position as my contract is almost up, I have been thoroughly enjoying my job lately. This position has offered me so much opportunity for networking and professional growth. I will be sad to leave at the end of August but perhaps a little happy to end the commute. I've also made significant progress on my research proposal and finding a supervisor for my major research. I'll be done my Masters by the Spring. I can't believe I'm almost done.
Not quite the avid cyclist but he warmed up |
Nothing like fresh blueberry pie.. even this picky eater couldn't get enough |
Wind turbines as far as the eye can see on our drive up the Bruce Peninsula |
This mama and son came up on a flock of geese |
Sandcastle building |
Boogie boarding |
Water baby |
Bother's #1 Fan |
Biking the Waterfront Trail |