Back to developments.. I have been noticing good and not-so-good changes and he seems to be growing both physically and developmentally in leaps and bounds lately.
The Good
- Communication skills are improving - he has just started using two words together although not necessarily in the correct order
- He is absolutely loving baths and requests them now "BAAFF"
- Loves music - any thing from playing the piano at my in-laws to playing with his new xylophone and singing and dancing to Barney and his new little mp3 playing stereo
- Although he is resisting some foods previously enjoyed, his tastes are expanding and his favourite foods right now are any fruit, cherry tomato, cucumber, peppers. Any round fruit or vegetable are all called "buberries" to him!
The Bad
- Protesting regular activities such as diaper changes: "Brendan, can I change your diaper?" "No" this is often followed by extreme fussiness
The Ugly
- Temper tantrums in public places. Today. The library where he wanted to push around the basket that had a handle and wheels and then when it was time to go he screamed at the top of his lungs while I carried him and made my best attempt to check the books out.
- Resisting bedtime with everything he's got. For awhile he tried to play us by asking for the opposite parent when we tried to put him to bed but it didn't take long to figure that one out. Now he tests us by playing with his bottle - not wanting it, wanting it, throwing it, spitting the contents out. A number of nights recently have been ending in him wailing at the top of his lungs for 5-10 minutes before falling asleep. It breaks my heart to hear the little man sad but for the love of god - please go to sleep!