Thursday, April 24, 2014

Three Brothers

The big boys have been mysteriously absent from my recent posts on baby Noah.

Admittedly, I've been very inward focused over these past few weeks. For the most part the transition at home has gone smoothly - no one has taken a toy hammer to the baby yet (yes - this happened last time around) but it hasn't been easy and has taken a fair amount of navigation.

B has been over the moon for his new baby brother while N has been indifferent for the most part. My sister still comes over each day to watch N so nothing much in his world has changed. A couple of nights we came upstairs to find him curled up sleeping in our bed and a couple more nights he woke up a few times throughout the night and came into our bedroom. Both boys have been a little more emotional lately. Not sure whether the culprit is more the new baby or the Easter treats. Either way, we're getting there and still trying to decide which brother Noah most resembles.

At almost 3, N:

  • Has given up naps but is no trouble in the sleep department - goes to bed each night in his bunk without issue
  • Loves to read/play on his LeapPad
  • Counts forward and backward to 10
  • Enjoys playing independently but also plays really well with other kids
  • Loves music - singing, dancing, etc. 
  • Is very stubborn - knows what he wants and will let you know. He runs hot and cold - either loves something or hates it. This comes out in his pickiness with food. 
  • Squeals in delight when I bring groceries home and loves to help put them away
  • Likes to play lego, do crafts, and rides a 2-wheeled scooter like a pro
  • Is a daddy's boy to the core. Dad has a soft spot for him too

At almost 6, B:

  • Is my happy go lucky, nearly always positive kid
  • Loves school
  • Is very social. He needs to be in the company of others. Doesn't play well independently unless he is really engaged in an activity. 
  • Is the instigator. If the boys are rowdy, arguing, or getting into trouble - we know who started it 
  • Has recently hit a huge developmental stride in language. His teacher indicated he was behind in reading and writing compared to his peers. We felt he just wasn't ready yet and were hesitant to push too much since he was demonstrating considerable frustration and anger when we had tried on a number of occasions. Then, a couple months ago, it just clicked
  • Is starting to show a greater level of responsibility and self regulation. Bonus: he has play dates, goes to birthday parties, and attends lessons without us having to stay or participate now! 
  • Likes playing video games sometimes but enjoys playing outside most


Amanda said...

It must be strange as a little kid to have your family suddenly grow like that . . I know my niece didn't really understand what had happened until months later when she asked her parents if they were planning to keep this baby around. Glad to hear things are going smoothly so far. :)

Kristy said...

I never even really thought of it that way! I mean I know everyone always says it is a "transition". I was the baby in my family so never experienced my family growing. I think it definitely takes time to adjust to thinking of a new family member as actually part of your family. I look at my older two boys now and the oldest doesn't even remember life without his brother. Before long it will be like that I'm sure.

Mo said...

oh goodness those pictures are precious!

Kristy said...

I think so too! Was debating getting professional ones done but am thinking it maybe isn't worth the price tag. Hoping to take the 3 of them to the Superstore for Mothers Day photos for the Grandmas. Also, there is something endearing about not quite perfect photos :)